Once again I have fallen behind on posting. I am sorry. I will try to update you on the many different things going on!
As I told you before, we are now making fruit butters for Cornell Orchards. And I have told you that we get our kiwi's from Cornell as well. Well that essentially turned into me trying to figure out something to turn them into for Cornell Orchards and us. So I found this great recipe for Kiwi Jam. Yes a little strange but insanely delicious. The very first batch I made I followed the directions step by step. After finishing the batch and tasting it, I knew I wanted to change it. It was super sweet. You could barely tasted the kiwi. So I reduced the amount of sugar by half. That batch was AMAZING. It is sweet like a jam is supposed to be, but it has a kiwi after taste to it and just enough tartness.
So now my line has expanded to:
Apple butter
Sugar Free Apple Butter
Pear Butter
Sugar Free Pear Butter
Blueberry Butter
Cherry butter
Berry Cherry Butter
Kiwi Jam
It is amazing to me that just trying to find a way to use up the fruit that we bought for the festival that we didn't sell turned into this! From the point of Cornell ordering I have 2 other accounts that have wanted to carry our butters.
I really did not intend for this to go this way. Not that I don't have enough on my plate with 2 young kids, herbs, teas, and normal farm stuff. Don't get me wrong we have always tried to find a way to extend our season, and obviously this has fallen into place! It is great, I am just trying to play catch-up.
I will be dropping a delivery off today at Hollenbeck's Shurfine in Newark Valley. I am very excited for them to carry it. The store being 10 minutes down the road from us it helps our locals to find us.
Indoor Market has been confirmed! We will be at the METROCENTER in Binghamton. Parking will be FREE!!!! We may be adding some new vendors as well which is always exciting.
Our first market will be on December 3rd from 9 am-2pm.
December 17th from 9 am-12
January 2nd from 5pm-8 pm (FIRST FRIDAY)
January 14th from 9 am-Noon
January 28th from 9 am-Noon
I will do a completely seperate post with the schedule on it so you can refer back to it.
I am also looking to do some more craft shows and fairs in the next couple months as well. Our first one is this weekend.
Fibers of Your Life at the Oakdale Mall
Saturday November 12 from 9am- 9 pm
Sunday November 13 from 11am-7 pm
Local Food, Fiber and Energy Fair at Cornell University Mann Library
November 17th from 2pm-5pm
There are also a couple that I think we are going to do in December as well. I will keep you posted on that.
With all that being said, I have a lot of work ahead of me this week. We are still going to be doing the Farmer's Market Saturday but being that I also have a 2 day event that same day and the next, I have to make a ton of stuff. I am still trying to catch up on herbs throughout all of this. I still have not put together a lot of my teas yet. I have to get my herbal pillows done..... and the list goes on.
So in short, this is the reason I have not posted for awhile. Look for some posts coming up though.
And of course I had to show you a picture of the little ones on Halloween!
Eric Jr was an Elephant
Julianna a Skunk
Now on to the busy holiday season!