Saturday, September 10, 2011

Flooding, Devastation and Friends!

Aerial view of Owego.
As many of you know there has been a very devastating flood in and around our area. Appalachin, Binghamton, Candor, Catatonk, Conklin, Sidney, Whitney point, Castle Creek, Nichols and Owego all got flooded with water. It will be days, weeks and possibly months before all of this gets cleaned up and worked out. My heart goes out to all the people affected by the flood.

I am very grateful that we live on a hill. We did not have any damage or anything. Besides just rain. We took a drive through Candor and Catatonk area and stopped at Iron Kettle to check on our farmer friends. They only had a little bit of water and only lost some products nothing compared to some. We know that some of our farmer friends down in Windsor got flooded really bad as well. We were told that Binghamton Urban Farm also got flooded to the point that they will not have any fall crops. :( We are so sorry for you all!

I am sure some of you readers got it as well. This has been heartbreaking to say the least. But if there is anything that we can do please let us know and we will try to help out the best we can. We have a ton of eggs if people are looking for eggs. I know some grocery stores are out. We have some rabbit meat and some tomatoes if anyone needs some of that stuff.

This is Main St- Grocer store, drug store, insurance
company and gas station after water receded. The gas station
was flooded as well that is the parking lot I took the picture from.
The small town right near us (Newark Valley) had some flooding as well. It was like a river was running down Main St. The highschool was flooded and the only grocery store in town had water in it rumored 5 ft high. This is very sad and hard for a small community like ours that doesn't normally expect this type of disaster to recover from. There is only 2 gas stations in our town and 1 was completely flooded and the other was fine but I am sure will possibly be running out of gas soon. We can go to Ithaca or Cortland for food and groceries, some have traveled down to Hooper Rd I heard and the grocery store was open there but picked through pretty good.

Bank parking lot with auto shop after water receded.
Some people do not see the whole picture when it comes to this. Not only did it affect the people's homes that got flooded, but it will be awhile before the businesses recover and have the necessities that are needed. We stopped in Candor to get gas yesterday and saw a couple that was traveling and was filling gas cans because they were not sure when the next gas station that would be in operation was.

It breaks my heart to see some of the devastation on people's faces. The hurt the pain of losing everything. It is just something I can't describe.

We still have not heard a lot about Nichols and we have a farmer friend who lives there that last we had heard  was under 7 ft of water. We heard that  on Wednesday I believe and have not received any other news. We are concerned hoping they are ok.  The waters that are receding here right now are headed for that direction. I read a comment on Facebook that the news people put on stating that they cannot report on what they can not get to and at this time they can't get to Nichols to say what is going on. We praying for everyone in the devastation.

It is amazing however that we have not heard about deceased or majorly injured at this time. It is unbelievable that a disaster of this nature has not taken lives thus far. If it has and we have not heard about it I am truly sad and sorry for those families.

National Guard here to help.
I found some pictures through news and friends that I thought help show the devastation.They are just unbelieveable. We are praying for all and hope that things recover quickly!

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