Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Apple Butter

Every year we get apples to sell at market. We generally sell most of them but every now and then we get some that we don't sell. I then try to figure out some way to use them. Normally it is by making apple pie, applesauce and apple cake.

This year I was trying to think of some way to turn it back into another product that we could have to offer. So began my online search. I found this great recipe for Apple butter in a crock pot! I was so excited.

As a kid I remember going to my grandma's house and the fresh biscuits and bread would be there and the always delicious apple butter. I could not eat just 1 piece of bread with apple butter on it. I could have eaten the apple butter with a spoon. Sometimes I did of course when she wasn't looking. She may have known though and just ignored it. I am not sure. Either way it was delicious.

Why did I not think of this before?

So tonight Eric and I peeled, cored, and chopped a whole bunch of apples and put them in the crock pot. We added sugar, ground cloves, ground cinnamon and a touch of salt. They are now sitting in the crock pot cooking.

The aroma in the air is almost too much to handle. It smells like fall!

What are some of your favorite things about fall? Some of your favorite recipes and traditions?

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